Server layer protection

1. Encryption key management:

  • Product: Quantum Security
  • Company: Dream Security

A quantum key is a security key created and used in quantum encryption systems. It is created using quantum properties of systems, such as the impossibility of copying quantum information
or the impossibility of accurately measuring quantum states. This has made quantum keys more secure than classical encryption systems.

Using quantum keys in quantum cryptography provides higher security than classical encryption systems. Reading the key will affect the quantum state, thereby making it possible to detect third-party interference, even if the attacker has a copy of the quantum key. Therefore, data transmitted through quantum keys will be securely protected during communication.

Dream Security’s Quantum Security solution is designed to meet the different needs of customers in using quantum keys. It supports various key providers with quantum key distribution (Qkey) technology.

Application services that encrypt and decrypt data transmitted using quantum keys are provided by Quantum Security features:

  • Supports quantum key management for QKD systems from different vendors.
  • Cryptographic Domestic Cryptographic Module Verification System
  • Module Verification System (KCMVP)